Just a few words on being responsible for your health and hygiene:
Why come to us for dental treatment at all when you can save thousands of dollars, not to mention your health, with preventive maintenance? Dr. Shirley Baker DDS in Tijuana, Mexico (Hello Google spiders, who force us to write out such literal phrases in order to get some attention from the bots, aka "SEO" aka "Search Engine Optimization.")
You know you should brush and floss (One shoul'nt ever say "should," a lady once remarked in pro'er English), need I say more? However, I will say more, in this case, because there is more to say, or recommend. What if you could floss your teeth without strangling your fingers or cutting your gums?
Well, guess what? You can. Enter "Water Pik."
The Water Pik is a device that emits a precision pulse of high pressure water, or mouthwash, that will push out the particles from between your pontics. And teeth! No strings attached, or floss! Ba-dum-bump.
The good Dr. Baker recommends and sells these devices right from her office, http://tccdentistry.com, in order to promote better oral health and preventative maintenance that would seemingly be a conflict of interest to her profession but is actually a testament to her desire to help others to live better, happier and healthier lives above all else.
Dr. Shirley Baker DDS, did I mention that she was in Tijuana Mexico, recommends "Water Pik!"
Don't wait! Order Now!
Please note: Dr. Shirley Baker DDS, an excellent dentist in Tijuana Mx, is in no way affiliated with "Water Pik" or any of it's subsidiaries. She is, in fact, in the business of repairing the damage cause by those unfortunate souls who do not use "Water Pik."
So what are you waiting for? The tell-tale crunch of tooth fragments in your yogurt? Or waiting for the $15,000 cost of restoring all of the teeth that have rotted away? Or maybe you are waiting for cardiovascular disease caused by bacteria build-up in your gums gone septic, inflaming the arteries leading to your heart? Or... perhaps... you are waiting for your date to catch a whiff of "Eau de Toilette" aka "Gingivitis" aka the "Stench of the Grave," wafting from your mouth just as you are, or were, about to land a smoocher?
Stop waiting! Amazon is a click away! You have no excuses!